Welcome to the Southery Academy Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) page.
Here you will find all the documents and policies that are relevant to SEND, the latest SEND news as well as information about our SEND provision. At Southery Academy we strive to provide the best possible opportunities and outcomes for children with SEND, and have developed our SEND offer in accordance with this. We believe that all children have the right to learn, progress at their own pace, and to feel included, happy and safe in school.
If you have any concerns, questions or comments regarding SEND at Southery, or if you are unable to find what you're looking for here on our SEND page, please feel free to contact either our Principal or SENDCo using the details below:
Mrs Elaine Huntington – Executive Principal - elaine.huntington@soa.eastern-mat.co.uk
Miss Gemma Hattigan – SENDCo - gemma.hattigan@soa.eastern-mat.co.uk
Latest News:
- Mrs Lindzi Morgan will continue to join us for a day a week to support all our pastoral needs. Mrs Morgan brings with her a wealth of experience with a range of SEND as well as a vast range of resources, training and ideas. Her latest update is that Drawing and Talking will be up and running very soon!
- Our sensory grab bags, sensory room (the Pod) and safe spaces including the Hive have had an update and are now equipped with even more resources than before!
Useful websites: